Friday, 23 October 2009

So far so good..

The community at Peasmarsh is thriving, positive and forward thinking. Parents are committed to our school, understand the importance of maximising its effectiveness and expect the best from it. We are committed to meeting those expectations.

Headlines from the OFSTED and the Diocesan report:

"The vision of an inclusive school that raises pupils’ aspirations and extends their horizons is central to the clear and determined leadership of the Headteacher..

Partnerships with other agencies are strong, particularly those secured to support the most vulnerable pupils and their families, and those that enrich pupils’ experiences. The headteacher gives high priority to developing partnerships with parents and the local community.

Most pupils are very clear that they ‘love’ coming to school and their enthusiasm is evident in their positive attitudes to learning. Good quality pastoral care contributes effectively to pupils’ well-being and good spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Self evaluation... is robust and accurate ... Community cohesion is good.

Diocese Of Chichester ~ Section 48 Report (Copies of this report are available on request)

The distinctiveness and effectiveness of Peasmarsh as a Church of England School are satisfactory. Pupils enjoy school and make good progress in a well-planned and exciting learning environment. The work of the school is underpinned by the headteacher’s clear Christian vision which has the potential to bring the whole school community together with a strong sense of Christian purpose.

Established strengths:
The strong and effective leadership of the headteacher in developing the school as a Church School.
The way in which parents value and support the work of the school.
The personal development and well-being of the pupils.
The effective use of display and the school grounds to promote exciting opportunities for learning.

Parents value the school as a Church school and appreciate the links with the church. The strong and effective leadership of the headteacher is recognised by many. They were overwhelmingly positive about the changes he has made. One said ‘I admire Mr McMillan for his drive and cheerfulness. Peasmarsh is the school to go to now’. "