Sunday, 27 February 2011

Feedback from parents: "One thing I like about the school...".

1 comment:

Alexander McMillan said...

‘The children’s education is the schools main priority’

‘Peasmarsh Primary School creates a happy learning environment’

‘My children love going to school’

‘Peasmarsh School is a small village community school with supportive staff and parents. Children are happy coming to school. The school nurtures in a delicate traditional way where the school ethos ‘Love your neighbour as you would love yourself’. It is a very special and happy school’

‘I like the face I can crop my children off at the beginning of the day and know they will be safe and happy. They enjoy everyday at school and come home time are full of news of what they have learnt’

‘I think the library looks really great and seems like a fun place to read in’

‘The approachability of the member of staff’

‘The buddy system, so that reception children know they have someone to go to if they need to’

‘I like Peasmarsh school, because it is a family orientated school. The staff and teachers are all friendly and easy to talk to’

‘The facilities (i.e: hall, playing field)!’

‘One thing I like is that my children are very happy to be at Peasmarsh C of E’

‘All the staff are very friendly and approachable! They are fantastic with the kids and it shows the kids love them!’