This is a difficult choice. I would however, after considering books by Thomas Eidson, pick The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. This beautifully written book paints such a captivating picture of people struggling to find their way in the world. I love it.
Ness the Nurse is another favourite of mine.
What is your favourite book? Please remember to leave your name on the form when you submit your comments.
Sophie Morris
My favourite book is Sheltie I like it because its all about horses and a little girl named Emma,and all there adventures together.
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My favourite book is Poppy's Puppies it is soo nice. It tells you about what some poor little puppies have been through during their life and what illnesses they've had.
My favrite book is harry potter and the prizerner of azkaban because it has aventure and mystery I persanley can't see how J.K rowling could make it better.if you said what is better prizener of azcaban and phlosiphers stone it would be so easy to chose prizerner of azcaban.
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