Thursday, 20 October 2011

Write stuff Group - The Land all covered in trees...

"They sailed to the Western Sea, they did, To a land all covered with trees, And they bought an Owl, and a useful Cart, And a pound of Rice, and a Cranberry Tart, And a hive of silvery Bees. And they bought a Pig, and some green Jack-daws, And a lovely Monkey with lollipop paws, And forty bottles of Ring-Bo-Ree, And no end of Stilton Cheese. Far and few, far and few, Are the lands where the Jumblies live; Their heads are green, and their hands are blue, And they went to sea in a Sieve.

What happened in the land all covered with trees and why did they stay so long?

Write a letter home from one of the Jumblies to send in a bottle. Describe some of the daily routines in the land all covered with trees and one extraordinary event that occured. Use your book to draft some ideas and then type up your finished work into the blog. Your letter home should be between 450 and 500 words long. Add it to the blog when you are ready but at the latest by Tuesday 1st November. Use one blank page to draw, in coloured pencil, a portrait of a Jumbly.


cole said...

mr mcmillan i got my open water licence and im getting the card soon!

Alexander McMillan said...

Yay Cole... Congratulations. I look forward to seeing the gear the certificate. Please bring it in to school on the 11th November for celebration assembly.

I can't wait to read your writing about the episode of " The Land all covered in trees."

Charlie said...

Dear Cludio,
I have been having a wonderful time. The green vegetation keeps me warm as the steam gathers but Hammy makes the thick quilts for us. Rogey is our cooker, he is brilliant. We hunt down zozo's which is gigantic cats with wings. The juicy flavour seepes through after every bite.

We normaly play catch the weasel or terigolon golf. These are all epic games which I think you would like. We are always having a joke and a laugh as we sit down to eat dinner.

I connot wait to come home to re unite with the whole family. I will bring all of our friends.

yours sincerly,

Charlie Doughty

Cludio said...

Dear Charlie,

What is the green vegetation like? Where does the steam come from? Is the steam not hot? Is there fog in the land all covered in trees? I am glad to hear that Rogey is a good cook. What is his best dish? The Zozo’s sound amazing. What happened on your last hunting outing and how did you catch the Zozo in the end?

Terigolon gold sounds like fun… what is it?

Love from


Alexander McMillan said...

A great start Charlie. Cludio clearly wants to know more!

Aim to produce a piece of writing between 450 and 500 words. You are a talented writer. Have a go at developing elements of your letter home at greater length please.

Jackson said...

friday 18th 2096
TN 31 69p
Jumblie Land

Dear Mummy Jumblie,
We have made it and we have done loads we went tree jumping I umped the furthest yeah!

How is baby Jumblie doing? I can't wait till I get back beause then I can see youall again.

We still have a monsterous mountin of stillten cheese so don't send more!

My favirite bit has been when the jam tart hit Sister Jumblie on the butt and she still has not found it yet.She has been really sad because she misses all of you. We will be back in 18 years because it is amazing here. But I'm not saying it bad there but it is good here!

The worst bit is when we left we span round and it really scared me. Plus we all wanted to come back but we could't.

What do you like at the minute?I loved making my bed out of bamboo and rop.

For dinner I'm hving stillten cheese and roasted pig with some coconut milk.What are you having?

What I like is the view it is magnificent the ever green by the elegant water fall it is like you are looking at a picture it is a real wow moment it's extraordinary.

On the way here we drunk all of the rim bo ree so feel free to send more.

All we saw on the sieve was the deep blue sea and the coulurful sholes of fish shimmering past.
What can we doapart from admire the luxurious style.

I havelearn't that I should look after my brother and sister.

As we sailed to the west sister Jumblie said we were going to theeast so we rotated 180 degreas but she was proven wrong because she had the composs the wrong way so it took longer.

The main fight is over who get to lick the monkeys paw which are loly pops.In ancient times they thought it was good luck so we are arrguing about who get to lick it.

The ferociousshimmering siver bees stung boy friend Jumblie in the bum owwww!It is now as red as a berry.

HA HA HA2nd brother Jumblie has fallen ou a tree I could help him but I'm not going to.

I hid the monkey so I can lick it wha ha ha ha.

We will be back in 18 years but until then good bye yours sincerely brother Jumblie

P.S can you make sure my bed is empty at night.


Alexander McMillan said...

A truly magnificent effort Jackson. I roared with laughter. You have clearly thought very hard about this piece of writing. Congratulations. I like the references to your journey: the shimmering fish and the spinning sieve.
I look forward to working with you again next week.

Cole Peters said...

To my dearest familly,
We miss the town
We do,we do
But travel we felt we must,
We wanted to see thelands that flew
But our sieve started to rust!

We plugged the holes with our lilac hair
And all our rotten socks
Pirates tried to still it from us
But we threw bags of rocks!

We had to move from the sieve
We did
And now we have a toy car
We carry on our travels
But we're not getting very far.

The sun has died our green heads blue
And our hands a lovely pink
Our skin is rainbow coloured
And our feet rally stink
We made freinds but not for long as they hibernated in jam jar.

We have decided we will head back
in 18 years or so
I'd love to have written more but now I must go!

Alexander McMillan said...

An astonishing piece of writing Cole. I look forward to talking to you about this next week. I love the rhythm of the writing which emulates the rhythm in Lear's original poem...

this section " The sun has died our green heads blue
And our hands a lovely pink
Our skin is rainbow coloured
And our feet rally stink" was inspired.

Well done.

Kai Shepherd said...

Dear Wife Jumblie,

If you have received this letter i would want you to understand and take note of what I am trying to tell you is for real. I will have stayed for an elephantine amount of time; the loathsome king had imprisoned us with a forcefield 10 meters out to sea; it is mountainous, fortification owning every living thing on the land of trees.

Its deplorable here but we still have to try and be cognizant of where we stand and have spent most of our lives. When the elephantine stifling sun rises we start to collect our food and fish for small and low water level fish, then remind our selves that this is not our choice staying here, we are imprisoned. we pray to the lord that things wont get worse and pray that we will soon be set free, then we eat a small amount of petite fish we had caught and save the larger ones for brunch, lunch and dinner. we then start the slavery that we are forced to perform by the king; for instance, carrying heavy objects, mining gold and silver, fanning and bringing refreshments to the king and even carrying the king from one place to another.

We are sick and tired of being mistreated by the king and soldiers so we have came up with a plan to eliminate the king and power down the mammoth forcefield and roam free and sail home in our sieve.

I am looking forward to seeing you, I send my love and spread the news about where we are, we are alive and
we have a plan on how to get home.

love, Husband Jumblie

Kai Shepherd said...

Jumblie diary entry

Dear diary,

today I have had the most tremendous day today, I have had my water allowance taken away for two days and am so thirsty, all i have done to deserve this is bringing in 1 pound of gold less than I should have in a day, I am so looking forward to the assassination of the king, we shall roam free and eat grapes and pineapple from the thousands of pineapple trees and we shall not have an allowance of water, we shall drink to the rim, however that is a long time coming and may never happen.

I have barley eaten today either, the tide was out and one of our friends has been blown to smithereens trying to walk through the force field out to the sea that was 100 meters out.

No Jumblie on the island will ever forget that moment, we will definitely not try and do the same as he did, God bless him.

Alexander McMillan said...

Another terrific effort from you Kai. You have really succeeded in creating a sense of time and place. Your efforts to enrich the vocabulary you are using in your writing have borne fruit. You give the impression in your writing of being an erudite diarist of days gone by.

Well done.

Louise said...

To My Dear Jubilee Family in a far away valley,

My Journeys had been long, they had. The Adventures had been mad. I’ve made it through far, I have. My friends and I have seen vibrant plants. Beautiful glances and island chances, it was thrilling to see, it was.

But My Brave friends and I went to sea in a sieve, we did. So in the sea in a sieve we go slow. So don’t think time will flow. So going to islands far, will not be funny because we have to SIT IN JAR. Singing songs for journeys long, we sing.

But I will not be slow, my dear and I will not be fast I’ll be as long as it lasts.
And in the land of trees that’s where I’ll be, on an adventure with my friends and me.
There were beautiful trees like oak and beech blossom and elm many to impress. My friends and I will still explore many places and many more, we will.

Reversty Land was most amazing place I’ve ever been to. Rabbits swam in the ocean, they did. Octopuses lived on land in immense beach huts and fish swam on the golden sand, they swam. Multi – coloured trees stood proudly on the very smooth golden sand. Flying cats meowed as they flew in a spiral elegantly with charm. Horses barked as they saw the funny cat, they did. And many weird and wonderful creatures lived there.

Sometimes the ocean surrounding the wonderful Rerversty land changes colours yellow, blue, red green and all sorts of amazing colours can make the ocean look enchanting to most creatures there, it does. The island holds most fantastic secrets that in Jubilee Land would be shocking, like the sun is light purple and when it rain the creatures cry and can not stop until the rain stops and that all the little creatures have six legs.

The clouds are candy floss, pink, fluffy and sweet. And Stormy winds are quite whispers to them. All these things are unique to us, they are. And all of these things are weird to us, they are. But everything they do is ordinary, they are?! But not ordinary to us, they are not. They do not have showers but have mud baths. Each of them speak different languages and each of them does different types of jobs. None of them have hair on their head but have hair on their tails. All of them have TAILS!! And they all eat curry all the time and drink beer, coco cola or wine all the time and everyday, they do.
All of these creatures are very important in lots of different kinds of ways. That’s all
I’ve got to say, I have. To sea in a jar.

From Jubilee xxx

bradley said...

dear mum and dad,
The trip was succsessfull and the family and i are alive and well. We calt it miss you loads. I really wish you could be with us to enjoy the expierience to.

I realise how difficult it was to see us leave. We are working hard to find shelter here. the boys love it here because there are thousands of trees to climb. However the girls are not enjoying it as much because they are the ones having to scavengine for the food and water. were just relaxing in the sun and having fun!

The locals on the island are extremely supportive. On the island were on I have found a job and I have to get up at 6:30am and work until 7pm.The kids start school at 8:30am and finish at 3:40pm. While the kids were at school my wife went into the forest looking for a better home. Work there was terrible, working on the boats,hauling in the nets and spearing.

The kids are getting on well with all the over pupils. Bobby Jummblie is outstanding with his maths,the star pupil, out the whole school. Katie is the best spearer on the entire island except from her farther anyway.

My dear wife Sandra has found us a dinner dug into the valleys. she has bought us a personal chef called Neytiri and her best dish is smoked avatar.A blue fish covered in mud and adressed by some silver birch tree leaves followed by a glass of pureed monkey intestines and for desert a tower of beetle, fly and wasp ice-cream with a bunch of wildberrys on top.

yours faithfully,
The Jumblie family.