Friday, 14 October 2011

Write Stuff Group - Sea Stack Tweets

Twitter allows you to make tweets which are 140 characters long.

Carol Ann Duffy said that this is an exciting opportunity for poetry.

Please use this photo as inspiration for a piece of writing 140 characters long.
Please make sure that your writing is carefully spelt and punctuated to the best of your ability.

Please submit your writing to the Peasmarsh blog by the end of the weekend.

With best wishes,


cole peters said...

Massive megladon hunt round every bladed rock,
Dark swelling water,
Screaming above,
The pteradoctyl flock,
They bellow threats to all below.

Alexander McMillan said...

Waves curl like timeless tones round immovable monoliths. Pure blues envelop crags, slowly eroding. Cool time-lapse mist wafts up crevices.

Alexander McMillan said...

What a fabulous piece of writing Cole. You have brought so much more to the scene: menace, sound and fury. You transported us back in time too.

Charlie said...

another peice of desciptive writing...

Description of a battle

Searing pain cries echoed around the colossal area. The bleeding pools of blood trickle across the floor. Angry shouts of torrid horror bounce from one side to another.

Charlie said...

The waves licked the brown shaded rock,
The current swirled like a whirring clock.
The moonlight kissed the sea with its glow,
The mist descended on the rock peaks below.

Alexander McMillan said...

Brilliant efforts Charlie .. I can almost hear the resonating waves and feel the void beneath us.

Alexander McMillan said...

Angry shouts of torrid horror bounce from one side to another ...A very memorable rhyming construction Charlie .

Louise said...

The swift blue sea climbed up the rock then calmly went back to the slivery ocean. The water flowed gently, nothing moved

bradley said...

The rocks were stunning. As they were intimidated by the cliff’ face.
The rocks are islands in the water.

jackson harvey said...

As the mist skimed the dark blue sea the rockes stode strong.As the green eyes peared out the monstroses cave we did a u turn.SPLASH!

Alexander McMillan said...

Thank you Jackson and Louise for your contributions. You have clearly given your work a lot of thought.

Alexander McMillan said...

We should be video conferencing on Wednesday.

Kai said...

Non twitter

Crash swoosh, crash swoosh,
the rocks cause the sea to apart,
crash swoosh, crash swoosh,
the giant roars as it aparts.

Crash swoosh, crash swoosh,
the sea is a giant divouring everything in its path,
crash swoosh, crash swoosh,
the rocks are sharp knives splitting the sea.

Crash swoosh, crash swoosh,
the rocks are towers with stone cold hearts ruling the sea,
crash swoosh, crash swoosh,
as the night crawls through the clouds the sea dies down and the moon sings its soothing song.

Kai said...

The rocks are towers with stone hearts ruling the sea, the sea is a giant devouring everything in its path, rocks are knives splitting fish.

Alexander McMillan said...

Perfect editing down to 140 characters Kai. Bang on the nose. I think I prefer your second effort as it is more intense like a soup which has been reduced to intensify the flavours.

I do however really like your first effort which needs to be read aloud to make the most of the alliteration and onomatopoeia.

I have taken the liberty of editing it myself. I have removed words which don't add anything to the poem, mainly " the". You have used sea 5 times. Could you have used other synonyms instead of some of them?

Well done - a great effort.

Alexander McMillan said...

Crash swoosh, crash swoosh,
rocks cause the sea to apart,
crash swoosh, crash swoosh,
giant roars as it parts.

Crash swoosh, crash swoosh,
the sea, a giant divouring all in its path,
crash swoosh, crash swoosh,
the rocks, sharp knives split the sea.

Crash swoosh, crash swoosh,
rock towers’ stone cold hearts rule the sea,
crash swoosh, crash swoosh,
as night crawls through clouds the sea dies down and the moon sings its soothing song.

Darren Shepherd said...

It has been a pleasure seeing Kai working on his poem in the evenings and first thing in the mornings, without any encouragement or persuading from us!

We love reading all the other poems too, they are great.