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Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Yr 6 writing post - descriptive writing
School pond 1
The school pond 2
The glistening water sparkled in the golden sun rays.Putrid green freckled particles covered over the top of the witchs cauldron. Infestations of creatures descended into the bottomless fiery pit.Skeletons of envy lay in despair at the bottom of the colourful soup pot.
Blood red sodden leaves crunched on the two tone rocks. Creatures lurk in the amber sun dancing when the bombing raid of water plunged on the lively pond.
The pungent pond was bottomless. The smell of suage contamminated the fresh air,toxic green splodges infested the pond. tangled weeds sunk like a rat in a witches coldrin. furosious beasts live in the muggy waters.
the rocks round the outside got ingolved in the glammourous waters. the rocks are jewels on a wedding ring,they are also as loose as are friendship. the sodden leafs were rubyred and they gently touch the survice.
The rough rocks protected the murky black pond, filled with pungent silt and the sickly smell of fresh manure. The sodden leaves floated in the black puddle and the lily pad umbrellas hid the slippery newts and croaking toads below.
The crisp leaves drifted slowly down to the stagnant pond, only to be eroded by the water beneath.
some great writing today as evidenced by the entries above and the latest by Bradley and Louise.
Great imagery and inspired observation will be really important in the work we undertake as will attention to detail and very high standards of presentation.
The sodden leaves floated in the black puddle and the lily pad umbrellas hid the slippery newts and croaking toads below.
tangled weeds sunk like a rat in a witches coldrin
Thepungent sewage was shimmering in the golden sun light as toxic green mini peaswere spinning in the witche's caldron.The rock are as loose as anyone's marriage, the night sky is as cold as a guilty heart.The sodden leaves were engulfed in the glistening jewels
The Golden crisp leaves floated gently in the dusky pool and the long green silky plant seemed to drink the night black pond. Green particles are sprinkled over the dim lake.
The putrid and pungent smell lurks uderneath the bed. The glistening sunbeams skimm the bottomless witches cauldron. The crisp leaves turn sodden as they lay in despear on the shimmering, elegant waters. The rustling of leaves contaminated the hushed atmosphere.
The toxic green leaves with lightning yellow streaks brighten the midnight black liquid. The matted and tangled weeds cause a thin trap for endangered animals. The cascading plants weep onto the surface making a trail behind itself. The silky blades of grass make a witers coat for the waters edge.
Please remember my earlier comment about attention to detail and high standards of presentation. Please therefore pay careful attention to the punctuation and capital letters in your writing.
The glistening water sparkled in the golden sun rays.Putrid green freckled particles covered over the top of the witchs cauldron. Infestations of creatures descended into the bottomless fiery pit.Skeletons of envy lay in despair at the bottom of the colourful soup pot.
Blood red sodden leaves crunched on the two tone rocks. Creatures lurk in the amber sun dancing when the bombing raid of water plunged on the lively pond.
Well done Cole. You have produced some really intriguing images in this piece of writing. A lovely first contribution to the blogsite.
I like the juxtaposition of ideas and images, for example, "Creatures lurk in the amber sun dancing..."
the pond
The pungent pond was bottomless. The smell of suage contamminated the fresh air,toxic green splodges infested the pond. tangled weeds sunk like a rat in a witches coldrin. furosious beasts live in the muggy waters.
the rocks round the outside got ingolved in the glammourous waters. the rocks are
jewels on a wedding ring,they are also as loose as are friendship. the sodden leafs were rubyred and they gently touch the survice.
The rough rocks protected the murky black pond, filled with pungent silt and the sickly smell of fresh manure. The sodden leaves floated in the black puddle and the lily pad umbrellas hid the slippery newts and croaking toads below.
The crisp leaves drifted slowly down to the stagnant pond, only to be eroded by the water beneath.
thank you mr mcmillan
Well done to the Write stuff group...
some great writing today as evidenced by the entries above and the latest by Bradley and Louise.
Great imagery and inspired observation will be really important in the work we undertake as will attention to detail and very high standards of presentation.
The sodden leaves floated in the black puddle and the lily pad umbrellas hid the slippery newts and croaking toads below.
tangled weeds sunk like a rat in a witches coldrin
Looking forward to Jackson and Charlie posting their writing...
Thepungent sewage was shimmering in the golden sun light as toxic green mini peaswere spinning in the witche's caldron.The rock are as loose as anyone's marriage, the night sky is as cold as a guilty heart.The sodden leaves were engulfed in the glistening jewels
thank you mr mac
Wow Jackson.... " cold as a guilty heart" . I love it.
Thanks Mr. McMillen I can't wait til next week!
The Golden crisp leaves floated gently in the dusky pool and the long green silky plant seemed to drink the night black pond. Green particles are sprinkled over the dim lake.
The putrid and pungent smell lurks uderneath the bed. The glistening sunbeams skimm the bottomless witches cauldron. The crisp leaves turn sodden as they lay in despear on the shimmering, elegant waters. The rustling of leaves contaminated the hushed atmosphere.
The toxic green leaves with lightning yellow streaks brighten the midnight black liquid. The matted and tangled weeds cause a thin trap for endangered animals. The cascading plants weep onto the surface making a trail behind itself. The silky blades of grass make a witers coat for the waters edge.
the toxic green water contaminates the air pungent smells lurk within and seep out through the mud and gew
Please remember my earlier comment about attention to detail and high standards of presentation. Please therefore pay careful attention to the punctuation and capital letters in your writing.
Well done Charlie. I love "The glistening sunbeams skim the bottomless witch's cauldron."
Thank you for your contributions everybody.. .I look forward to working with you again next week.
Pungent smells lurk within and seep out through the mud and goo. Very vivid descriptive writing Kai. Well done.
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