Dear Write Stuff group,
Using the photographs to be found on the BBC website here, please write a description of one face. Pick your vocabulary carefully. Write a selection of descriptive possibilities and pick those words and phrases that convey something of the image.
Have fun... work up on the blog by Thursday please.
William, veteran of the Second World War. His sunken wrinkles are the scars of his life. His dusky blue eyes tell the story of his near death experience in battle. His skin is scrunched up paper, his nose was rippleless. His mouth looked like a worm, but could tell many war tales about the enemy and his friends. His smile was as precious as gold to his family.
Louise, an impressive and very reflective piece of writing to accompany these beautiful and evocative photographs, well done.
Dusky blue eyes is a lovely description, suggesting not only the colour but also the age of the veteran, at the dusk of his life perhaps.
His shrivelled and corrugated face reveals his loathsome past of war and death. The truth of the battlefields he strode along has a copious and catastrophic misery. His face with its wrinkels has shown his horrid past. His caliginous eyes show his past was a darkened war zone of misery, His wrinkles cave in leaving consolidated skin rising like mountains on the edge of the plates of the earth.
I have learnt a new word today Kai -caliginous. I am thrilled. A perfect choice to describe the eyes of a war veteran.
Well done.
This man Tom Jenkins was an ex service men in World War 2.The scar on his face represents the early days of WW2 he captured by German soldiers and locked in the torture room.They strapped him to the chair and hit in the face him with a cane until he bled.His eye brows are hairy bushes and are extremely thick.His wrinkles are stress and worry marks from his terrible past of fighting for our future and from serving his king.A tear rolled down his face as he was asked to bow his head and think of his past.
When the misarable man's eyes twinkled he puffed out his nose as he had trobbles opening his mouth from the beatings he had when the Germans court him.
As the teratorial army took the unfortanate soliders to the woods the terrible sound of tortar and pain struck and the scared people who were left to wimper in the elphantine barns!His wrinkels are a sighn of great things that are and have happend.His other growen eye braws are like the lashing wips that he had got from the invading army.This is a unbeleaible man who served his country out stadaley well down.
Edited version:
When the miserable man's eyes twinkled he puffed out his nose as he had troubles opening his mouth from the beatings he had when the Germans caught him.
As the territorial army took the unfortunate soldiers to the woods, the terrible sound of torture and pain struck. The scared people left in elephantine barns whimpered.
His wrinkles are a sign of great things that remain and have happened. His overgrown eye brows are like the lashing whips that he had got from the invading army. This is an unbelievable man who served his country outstandingly, well down.
A slash of tourment made a vertical line, marking his smooth skin in horror. His bristley eyebrows are overgrown vegetation pleading to be cut. A seethrew pearl rolled done his face slowey drooping to his chin. His eyes are a crestfallen heart, reflecting on his life as a veteran. His mouth cascades to his neck, slicing through his body.
The crevices in his face are cracks in his life gradually revealing his terrible past. The paratrooper had landed in Germany a countless amount of times,tourted and beaten. His sunken face could tell son many disastrous things. The barb wire on his eye brows mark the concentration camps he was imprisoned in!
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