Friday, 18 November 2011

Sailing the ocean waves

Please produce a piece of descriptive writing about sailing at speed. Use this video link on youtube to inspire you.

Check with your parents before you start using youtube as they may want to work alongside you and supervise your use of the internet.

The information sheets in your write stuff books contain some technical vocabulary about yachts and sails that you may find useful.

Please post by Thursday of next week.


Jackson Harvey said...

While the rapid waves hit the foward pulpit the distrested people lunged into the hatch.The obomanas waves fuliently attack,The eroic people stumbbled back.In the mnical hatch the gallent sailers were stumbiling uncotrolible!

The captin was immobilized all he did was holed the wheel.The rudder glided eligantly trough the waves.

Jackson Harvey said...

Just out of curiosity have you watched the movie yet????????

charlie said...

The gloomy waves thrashed against the slightly decaying metal with anger and fury. The foamy cappachino fizzed overboard ravaging around the boat. The whistling wind blew into my face brushing the end of my squidgy nose.
Shadowing figures surrounded the capacious boat slamming into it.

Kai Shep said...

The slick and sly waves splinter the copious boat, the sailors fight for thier lives to stay onboard as the elephantine wave extirpate the boats rims.

How long this goes on for only they will not know, the wave may grash constant, or the waves will decide to go.

Kai Shep said...

sorry, i spelt crash wrong. I have just noticed

kai said...

Mr. Macmillan please may you not put hat first peice of writing up there because I have decided I will start another one.

Kai said...

The copious boat carves through the waves expeditiously, as the mountainous waves bombard it relentlessly in a battle of endurance.

The capacious waves crash down on the crew as they hang on for dear life; the commodious sea attempting to pull them from their safety into the depths of the abyss.
In the continuous battle the determination of man is so strong, that in his glorious heart, ultimately he knows he will be victorious

Louise said...

The valiant men set off on a voyage through the lethal sea.
The abhorrent tides invaded the innocent ship leaving salt water to fizz aboard the boat. The men screamed with fury. They
Stirred their boat side to side…But The waves took over their control. It was the end

cole said...

The waves smashed onto the collapsed deck,throwing people over the side.
Screams echoed through the seas. They thought it was over clentching onto the hatch door. From no were a camoflauged wave twinkled in the glistning water, plunging the mast. The yacht diapeard silently. When the wave grew smaller a wreckage of wood laid in the sea!

brad said...

The engines roar,echoeded through the silent air.The sound of the waves bouncing against the boat devawerd the sound of wind.Reaching tops speeds of around 55knots.The stern of the boat occasionaly slips under the murky substance.Horrorfing waves got us sodden to the bone.Elephantine stunarmies jump over the bow of the 1 tone piece of metal.The egsellerating oppotunity is remarkable.

Alexander McMillan said...

Great waves of imaginative language crash into the blogsite, bringing with them unexpected lexical treasures that glisten and writhe with life. Well done all of you. We will work on the editing and presentation next week.

cole said...

The blue liquid glisnted in the golden sun. Splashes of rainbows hit the deck tossing people over the edge. Bellowing screams echoed through the ocean. The hatch opened revealing sodden people,crying and weeping for loved ones. A nother life threatning rock shook the boat. 0 survivers!