Friday, 16 December 2011

Peasmarsh Place

Pupils sang to residents at Peasmarsh Place to bring a little more Christmas joy to them.
The children wrote about their experiences below:


millen and hannah said...

Yesterday 14 December 2011
went to peasmarsh place to sing
to the people there to bring some
happyness to the people. It was
fun because we got to make the people happy.
Our faveorite song were In bethley ,time to celebrate, we wish you a merry christmas and pop star.

Hollie Mae,Joe curd said...

On the 14th december 2011 we enjoyed a afternoon puttig the christmas spirt into the eldery. A brave boy called Charlie sung a solo of heven on earth. My favriote song was pop star and time to celbrate. It was a grate day.

Jackson Harvey said...

Yeasterday myself and some other kids who were picked went to peasmarsh place and brought some Christmas joy into the old peoples home.We sang some tradisanal carols and some moden songs my favirite was silent night.The thing I liked to talk about I know it was Alice in wonderland I know it doen't have much to do with a old people home but the person who wrote it lived there for a while.The filed behind they home was were he got his inparation from.I injoyed the time at peamarsh place and I hope the others injoyed it to.

georgia said...

Yesturday after noon 12 children and me went to Peasmarsh place to sing for the elderly.The two song I liked the best were pop star and time to celebrate, my favorite song out of all of them is time to clebrate.

After all that sing one of the caer takes brougt us drinks and some treats.we all like sing there for them and I hope there liked it as well.

Merry christmas to Mr McMillen

charlie said...

Yeasterday some children from Peasmarsh C.E went to Peasmarsh place to make chrismas a bit more joly for thoughs who are residents there.The reason we went was to sing some clasic and moden carels.The first song was Away in a manger.My favourite song was silent night.

Charlie B said...

Yesterday some children from Peasmarsh C.E went to Peasmarsh place to make Chrismas a bit more jolly for those who are residents there. The reason we went was to sing some classic and modern carols. The first song was Away in a manger.
My favourite song was silent night.
I enjoy singing my solo. My friends say I should be on x factor.

hollie said...

Yesterday was fun singing to the eldley. I was a bit nervous singing pop star,but I enjoyed it at the same time. you did fantastic on the piano and we all really enjoyed it.

katie.t said...

Merry christmas to all.............

Alexander McMillan said...

I was so proud of you all. Fantastic singing, great behaviour characterised by charm, energy and sensitivity. Well done.

Merry Christmas to you all.

Hollie Mae said...

I am reading a book called Mr.gum and the power cristles. it can be good and a bit boring. The boring bit is were it keeps repeating it self. Merry Christmas to all.......