Thursday, 27 June 2013

Moving on .. memories of Peasmarsh CE Primary School in Summer 2013.


Hannah Evans said...

At Peasmarsh I have made loads of kind and lovely friends and the teachers and staff are great. I learned loads of new things like chess and the "cup song." I mainly like it at Peasmarsh because you have a laugh now and then even when you are doing your work. I think having the school values are good, it makes everyone have something to aim for in the week ahead. I remember when I was on PGL with MR.Thurston and he was trying to say a good joke to some of us but it turned out to be really bad even though it took him ages to think of. Everyday at Peasmarsh I always end up laughing
even if I don't feel well. I have some great memories from Peasmarsh that I will always keep.

Hannah Evans said...

Being at Peasmarsh is amazing, I have met loads of kind and lovely friends. I have learned lots of cool things like how to play chess and the “cup song.” I think that having the school values is great because everyone has something to aim for in the week ahead. I don’t often have school dinners but I have tried them a couple of times and they were delicious. I remember when class 4 went on PGL with Mr Thurston we had to do wacky races and everyone looked really silly. Some people had pants around their heads! Everyone kept on glancing at us. I mainly like it at Peasmarsh because everyone always has a laugh even if we are working. Our school was actually a Victorian school obviously some rooms have changed since then. I like strolling around and wondering what it would be like if we saw a Victorian child or teacher that was still alive and went to this school. I do know this would never happen! Peasmarsh is a great school I love going here! My dad also went to this school, but not in the Victorian times though!

William Milsom said...

My best moment in Peasmarsh CE Primary School was when we all went to PGL. There was an evening entertainment called wacky races. Mr Thurston came out with his underwear over his trousers. We all laughed. My favourite race in the wacky races was the cat walk race. We had to see who could do the best cat walk. Our team won. Nearly all of us had odd soks including me.

Another good moment was when all of the school council went to london. We were going to the houses of parliament. Before we went there we wre aloud to stanmd infront of the priministers house. First we had to go through the security gates. All of us children went through fine but Mr McMillan did not. His car keys set off the alarm and he had to get checked. The police officer went into the priministers house and got us each a signed postcard of number 10.

samuel said...

A couple of months ago,some year 6 and 5 children from different schools competed in an awesome football tournament.I was one of the team who felt nervous and shakey, while others were exited. This was going to be taking place on the lucsios green grass of Peasmarsh School field.

Altogether we played 3 amazing games. We won our first Zac, who is lightning fast, scored the winning goal for a 1-0 win then we drew 0-0. Our final match was hard. The team put up a good fight.Eventhough we lost the match 2-0, I felt good because I made some great saves to keep us in the game.

We almost made the semi-final but unfortunately we didn't.Afterwards the team was gutted and dissapointed. I was feeling a lot better and to be part of the team. Finally, we had the great presentation, next we applauded the winners- WINCHELSEA.

Archie said...

In the summer of 2012, our whole class went to the RAF Museum in London. On the train,we were all rattling around like a baby's rattle. From Paddington Station to kings Cross Station in the underground. Next was up the electrical stairs, past the maze of winding people.

A ray of sunlight hit my eyes. We were outside. Afterwards we all started lingering around london observing every little bit of road. There before us stood the RAF Museum. For some reason, i felt all tingly.

The sign was 1m by 1.5m blue, red and white. Colossal black writing read the RAF Museum. I was so excited.

A giant sphere was placed on a stump made of the finest steel which opened up the entrance of the RAF Museum.

The first step into the spacious room, it felt like a blow of heat burning my face to sparks.

The signing in I sure hope they let us in the museum.

I saw a pitch-black room filled with massive war planes. I was amazed, we had a little time to look around. Then we watched a short clip of war planes.

We had lunch. Even though it wasn't what i wanted, i ate it ravenously. I felt way better after the freezing cold drink.

After the whole day, unfortunately, we had to return home.

Joe Curd said...

In July 2013, our school were delighted to have my grandad walk into school with his glisining Olympic torch, to show all the pupils.

The bright shining light shone in my eyes as he slowly strolled round the corner, while 8000 holes sat infront of me, each one of them represent people like my grandad who carried the torch on its journey around the uk in the Olympic relay.

We heard the high pitch of the gate squeeking open, triggering electrifying ripples of anticipation that rapidly spread through the class rooms. We couldnt contain our excitement...

My grandad let everyone hold the torch in the whole school, and we got our picture taken with it.

It took 70 days to carry the torch from Cormwall to London passing it on and on, like a relay.

At the end of the day we could say that we have held the Olympic torch. We were very lucky that day - this was a once in a life time moment.

by Danniella Geall said...

My first days at peasmarsh

On my first day we were doing practice SATS to be ready for Monday I felt like I was doing my year 10 exams.I was really shy when i jouned the school.

For SATS all the year 6 had a continental breacfast all week.We had toast,croissants, cereal,orange juice, water and milk.

When the SATS paper was in front of me it wasn't that bad after all The SATS paper we did were litracy, maths,reading and science.

At my first playtime I played with KateT KateM gorgia , holly and molly. after pla we did litracy, maths,art and pe. in litracy we started ashort story. in maths we did fractions.In art we were drawing collage and in pe we were throwing a rugby ball.

That's all I rember of my first days at Peasmarsh.

keiron said...

We went to PGL all of class 4 wont it to stay there for ever but we stayed thare for a week insted we did Jacopsladder it was easey to start with and huder to get to the top affter that we did Giont swring we whet to the top and we did it tow tims nex we did zip whire,roch kliming we had lunch after that we did BMX riding

we had play timethen we had dinner at the canteen then next we had a camp fire. It was great, Then we went to sleep.


We were sad and happy at the same time. So we set off to our first activity. Our first activity was absailing. It started to rain, but we still done it. After, we got our stuff from our cabbin and then we walked to the coach. we watched the A team on the way back. PGL was the best.